Project: Used to create and delete projects. A project must be created before datasets can be added to it. If a project is deleted all associated datasets will also be deleted.
About: Version of software v0.0.2.
- Add Project: To add a project, a project title is required as well as a template in fasta format. Once a file containing the template is selected any dataset added to the project will be mapped to this template. A variation on this is available under the "Miscellaneous" option.
- Delete Project: A project for deletion can be selected. All associated datasets will also be deleted.
- Add Dataset: A dataset title is required. In addition to this, the project to add the dataset to must be selected. The dataset itseef must be in FASTQ format.
- Delete Dataset: Once a project from the dropdown list is selected, a list of datasets associated with that project is displayed. Any of these can be selected for deletion from that project.
- Sort Bar codes: Reads tagged with a particular bar code can be extracted from a fastq file using this menu option. The user selects the fastq file containing the read data, inputs the bar code to identify the reads of interest and selects the location to save the extracted reads too. The extracted reads will be saved (minus the barcode) in fasta format. If a file contains multiple different bar codes the process should be repeated with each code that the user requires data for i.e. the reads will be binned according to the barcodes.
About: Version of software v0.0.2.
free for academics | GNU Lesser GPL licence | software not guaranteed