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Robertson Group's Supplementary Material

Dr David Robertson

  • A comparative study of adaptive molecular evolution in different HIV groups and subtypes (2003) Marc Choisy, Christopher H. Woelk, Jean-Francois Guegan, and David L. Robertson. Journal of Virology, 78:1962-1970.

    Appendixes A to D.

    Figure 2 with the shading included.

  • Phylogenetic relationships of methionine aminopeptidase 2 among Encephalitozoon species and genotypes of microsporidia (2005) Ivona Pandrea, Derek Mittleider, Paul J. Brindley, Elizabeth S. Didier, and David L. Robertson. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology. 140:141-152.

    Supplementary figure: MetAP-1 phylogenetic relationships inferred from an alignment including 228 sequence by NJ u sing Kimura's correction and 1,000 bootstrap replicates; 186 aa sites remained after gap-stripping. The eukaryotic MetAP-1 clades are indicated in blue.

  • On the origins of extracellular matrix in vertebrates (2006) Julie Huxley-Jones, David L. Robertson and Raymond P. Boot-Handford. Matrix Biology

    Supplementary Figures

    Supplementary Table

  • A methodology for identifying methodologies from full text literature (2007) James M. Eales, John W. Pinney, Robert D. Stevens and David L. Robertson ISMB submitted

    Journal composition of corpus (number of articles).

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