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Please see the examples in appendix A.5 and A.6.
These control files show the two main modes of operation. The control file
of the mlphase program contains:
a DATAFILE block: see the data file block section.
a MODEL block: see the model block section.
a FUNCTION block dependant on the operating mode of mlphase (see below)
Random seed: the seed for the random number generator.
Random seed = 13
Output file: the name of the file where the results are sent.
Output file = results/hiv-mlphase.output
The FUNCTION block contains specific parameters according to the mode of operation.
At the moment, mlphase can ``Optimise user-defined phylogenetic trees''
or ``Search for ML topology''. When the user wants to optimise a
set of defined trees the FUNCTION block contains the following fields:
Function: the parameter to specify the mode of operation.
Function = Optimise user-defined phylogenetic trees
Trees file: the name of the file containing the phylogenies, i.e.,
a set
of trees in the Newick format with
optional initial branch lengths values.
Trees file = primates.phylogenies
Number of trees: the user has to specify the number of trees in the previous file.
Number of trees = 4
Optimise model parameters: set this field to no if the model parameters
are to be considered fixed, set it to yes if you want to optimise them.
Optimise model parameters = no
User's model parameters file: if the parameters are constant one must provide values for them.
This field is for the name of the file containing the parameters for the model defined in the MODEL block.
If provided when not required, the content of this file is used to initialise the parameters of the model
before optimisation.
User's model parameters file = data/hiv-REV.model
When looking for the ML tree, the FUNCTION block contains:
Function: the parameter to specify the mode of operation.
Function = Search for ML topology
Topology search: this field specifies the search algorithm used to
determine the phylogenies with the highest likelihood. At the moment the search algorithms implemented
are Simple exhaustive search, Branch-and-bound exhaustive search
and Heuristic stepwise addition.
Topology search = Heuristic stepwise addition
User defined monophyletic clades and Clade file: set the first field to yes
if you want to constrain the search in the topology space. The second field is the name of your
clade file.
User defined monophyletic clades = yes
Clade file = primates.clades
Optimise model parameters: set this field to no if the model parameters
are to be considered fixed, set it to yes if you want to optimise them.
Optimise model parameters = yes
User's model parameters file: if the parameters are constant one must provide values for them,
this field is for the name of the file containing the parameters for the model defined in the MODEL block.
User's model parameters file = data/primates-RNA7A.model
Next: mcmcphase
Up: mlphase
Previous: Using mlphase
Gowri-Shankar Vivek