Programs in the PHASE
package are run through the command line under both Unix-like systems
and MS-windows systems. For Windows operating systems, you have to open a
MS-DOS command window to use them.
Click on ``Run...'' in the ``Start...'' menu
and type cmd in the newly opened
dialog box. You might have to type command instead of cmd
depending on your MS-Windows version. Once the command window is opened,
you have to move to the directory where you extracted the software. At the
shell prompt, you can type, for example,
cd c:Phase
. You can then run any
program of the PHASE
Run the programs by typing their name followed by the arguments they require.
In most cases, PHASE's programs take one argument which is the name of a
control file. You
can type for instance:
mcmcphase controlhiv-dna-mcmc-1.control
optimise control/primates-rna-optimise-7a.control
After installation, if the examples are all present, these commands
should work.